Sensitec GmbH
Schanzenfeldstr. 2
35578 Wetzlar
Sensitec GmbH
Schanzenfeldstr. 2
35578 Wetzlar
Maßstäbe mit magnetischen Codierungen
The linear scales are usually made of sintered hard ferrite or hard ferrite particles bonded in a plastic or rubber material. Incremental scales have alternately magnetized north and south poles. Special codes such as vernier tracks or pseudo-random codes are also possible.
Below you will find a further selection of different sensor modules.
The linear scales are characterized by high remanence and accuracy. However, due to the hardness of the sintered material, the scales are easily broken by impact and are therefore the right choice as short scales for high-precision applications.
Product details
The linear scales are ideal for long lengths and are also available in strips of several meters if required. The scale material is applied to a spring steel and is easy to handle and apply in the desired application.
Product details